Ongoing projects

Researchers at INSA Centre Val de Loire regularly respond to regional, national, European and international calls for proposals. Ongoing research projects.


GREMAN laboratory

  • APR IA - ELIXIR project - Thomas DEFFORGE – 2021/2025
    Nanovectors based on porous silicon for innovative cervical cancer therapy
  • APR-IR OPTYSONS - BOUCAUD Séverine – 2023/2028 - 
    Innovative functional polymers intended for ultrasonic sensors
    Partners: PCM2E laboratory - PROTAVIC and MODULEUS

LIFO laboratory

  • APR IA - SIOMEDIC - Patrice CLEMENTE - 2022/2025
    Security of the Internet of Medical Things
    Academic partners: LIFAT, LIFO

LaMé laboratory

  • APR IA - COREVE project - Baptiste BERGEOT - 2023/2027
    Controlling and harvesting vibrational energy in wind turbines

PRISME laboratory

  • APR IA - OPMEDIBOT - Driss BOUTAT - 2023/2027
    Optimal homogeneous control system design and its application 
  • APR IR CATHETERBOT - LYES MELLAL - 2022/2027                                         
    Flexible robotic ultrasound-guided magnetic catheter for chemotherapy treatment
    Partners: CHRU in Tours and MécaSup
  • APR IR - DESHERBROB project - Adel HAFIANE - 2020/2024
    Robotic detection and intervention for weed control in precision agriculture
    Academic partners: University of Orléans and University of Tours
  • APR IR - SCISAR project - Adel HAFIANE - 2022/2027
    Intelligent greenhouse crop monitoring system using IoT, imaging and artificial intelligence
    Partners: Les CRUDETTES, CYBELETCH, CITERES and CETU laboratories
  • APR IR - BUBBLEBOT project - David FOLIO - 2021/2024
    Magnetic microbubbles for localised drug delivery in the brain. 2021/2024
    Academic partners: University of Orléans, Industrial partner: VERMON Tours

CITERES laboratory

  • ARD CVL SYCOMORE programme - Sylvie SERVAIN - Project leader: INRAE - 2021/2024
  • H2020 MSCA RISE - MOSAIC project - Sabine FRITTELLA – LIFO - 2021/2026
    Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications

LIFO laboratory

  • ANR - CYBER INSA project - Benjamin NGUYEN - 2022/2026
    Strategy for accelerating and expanding cybersecurity training in collaboration with INSA CVL
    Partners: University of Orléans- Lifelong Learning/Professional Integration Public Interest Grouping 
  • ANR DIFPRIPOS - Cédric EICHLER - 2023/2027
    Partners: FEMTO-ST laboratory- INSA Lyon - INRIA - DALIBO 
  • ANR PRIVA SIQ - Xavier BULTEL - 2023/2027
    Privacy-preserving secure communications despite subversions, interceptions, and quantum adversaries
    Partners: XLIM laboratory - UCA - École POLYTECHNIQUE - CRYSPEN
  • ANR - PRELAP project - Sabine FRITTELLA - 2019/2024
    Probabilistic Epistemic Logic Applied to Privacy


LaMé laboratory

  • ANR - Lab-Com - COFIX project - Roger SERRA - 2019/2024
    Research and development platform for fastening clamps subjected to thermomechanical and vibratory stresses
    Partner: CAILLAU SAS
  • ANR - Research-Action SIOMRI Call for Proposals- MAPSEA project - Jean-Luc HANUS - 2021/2024
    Absorbing materials for industrial structures and surrounding buildings: protection against explosion
    Partner: INERIS


PRISME laboratory

  • ICT AGRI FOOD  2019 - MERIAVINO - Adel HAFIANE - 2020/2024
    Multi-scale detection for disease monitoring in vineyard production with the participation of the European AGRI-FOOD network
    Learn more
  • ANR - PROJET MAGOA - Antoine FEREIRA - 2023/2027
    Système micro-robotique d'injection guide par imagerie multimodale pour le traitement de l'arthrose du genou
    Partenaires : LaTIM - MINt
  • ANR - URBEX project - Isabelle SOCHET - 2021/2024
    Explosion in an urban environment, experimentation and expertise
    Partner: APEX Solutions


GREMAN laboratory

  • ULHYS project - Séverine BOUCAUD - 2021/2025
    Simulation of rotomolded polymer viscosity for hydrogen by ultrasonic testing method
    Partners: PIMM laboratory- CEA - RAIGI 
  • ASGEIR project - Gaël GAUTIER - 2023/2027
    Advanced substrate for Gallium Nitride epitaxy industrialization
    Partner: CNRS    
  • ANR - DEVULCAIN project - Nourredine Ait Hocine - 2023/2027
    Thermo-mecano-chemical devulcanization of rubbers by extrusion: toward a better understanding of the process
    Partners: IMT Nord Europe, The 8 Impact


  • ARD MATEX - Roger SERRA - 2021/2025
    Multimatériaux en conditions extrêmes


  • ARD SYCOMORE - Sylvie SERVAIN - 2021/2026
    Contrôle et récupération d'énergie vibratoire dans les éoliennes