Industrial risk control (MRI)
The MRI speciality is defined by a systemic risk approach (cindynics, or risk analysis). MRI engineers at the INSA Centre Val de Loire are multidisciplinary engineers focused on the control of industrial risks. They are trained in different types of risk: preventive and corrective action, respect for work and the environment, corporate responsibility, major and external risks.

With Bonus
2023 Engineering Graduates
- 15.7% in Centre Val de Loire
- 11.1% are stationed abroad
Size of companies
- 27.8% (10 to 249 employees)
- 24.7% (250 to 4,999 employees)
Industrial risk control DEPARTMENT
Each catastrophe provides an intermittent reminder that the impossible can happen. By the 1990s, perception, understanding and management of risk had progressed to the point of bringing about the science of risks, coined cindynics, or more commonly referred to as risk analysis. Making a clean break with the past, risk analysis seeks to find out more about danger and risk through stringent systemic and comprehensive approaches. It therefore combines methods to illustrate the risk, its development and its prevention with a view to setting up all of the necessary organisational processes upstream: decision, management, communication, production, analysis, alert, etc.
Industrial Risk Control Engineers at the INSA Centre Val de Loire are trained in the various aspects associated with managing the risks inherent in a company and its business. Risk management encompasses: preventive and corrective action, safety of people and property, environmental impacts, corporate responsibility, major and external risks.
la capacité à analyser un problème industriel complexe
la proposition des actions préventives et/ou correctives
l’analyse de la sécurité des biens et des personnes
l’étude de l’impact sur l’environnement du procédé industriel
la prévention des risques majeurs
la gestion des risques financiers
Programme domains
- Sciences pour l’ingénieur
- Management du risque industriel
- Sciences humaines et sociales
End-of-course options:
- Nuclear Energy Operational Safety (SFEN)
- Industrial Risks and Accidents (RAI)
- Environmental Risks (ER)
- Industrial Risks and Systems (RSI)
- Transport, Logistics and Robotics Security (STLR)
Placements in France and abroad:
- Year 4: placement or industrial assignment lasting 16 weeks
- Year 5: 24-week placement
Compulsory four-month study period abroad
Examples of positions held by OPTION:
SFEN speciality:
Nuclear Safety Engineer
Radiological Risk Assessment Officer
Neutron Engineer
Nuclear Protection Engineer
RAI speciality:
Structural Strength Engineer
Industrial Plant Safety Engineer
Nuclear Operations Engineer
Fire Safety Engineer
RE speciality:
Ingénieur Qualité, Hygiène, Sécurité & Environnement
Ingénieur d’études de sites pollués
Ingénieur de traitement et valorisation de déchets
Ingénieur d’étude en énergie renouvelable
RSI speciality:
Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Engineer
Engineer of studies of polluted sites
Waste Treatment and Recovery Engineer
Renewable Energy Design Engineer
STLR speciality:
- Rail Reliability Engineer
Production Management Engineer
Business Risk Inspector
Aircraft Production Quality Engineer

Le Passeport nucléaire + est une marque attribuée par l’Université des Métiers du Nucléaire au diplôme d’ingénieur MRI, qui propose des contenus pédagogiques spécialisés, propres à l’industrie nucléaire, avec des enseignements dédiés aux besoins de la filière, et qui offre une option SFEN (Sûreté de Fonctionnement en Énergie Nucléaire)
For any request for information:
Vincent MAKI
Director of the MRI Department