Global INSA
Global INSA is a course only available to first year students which allows them to prepare for the rest of their studies within international and intercultural perspectives. The course is made up of 28 students, half of them being french and the other being made up of other nationalities
The benefits of the Global INSA
You have the possibility to apply both as a french or international student for Global INSA. The course follows the same classes as the regular first year program (STPI)
English compulsory
French as a Foreign Language (FLE) for non-French speakers
Compulsory initial work placement at the end of Year 1
with the following differences:
- scientific teaching during Year 1 given 70% in English and 30% in French
- smaller groups for tutorials and practicals
- course material in English
- one-on-one guidance, scientific support
- tutoring
- advanced language classes
- FLE summer school
- cultural activities: excursions, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
Global INSA students join the regular course of Engineer studies taught exclusively in French from the 3rd semester onwards. Students will choose between Industrial Risk Control and Information Technology and Cybersecurity both on the Bourges campus, or Industrial Systems Engineering on the Blois campus.

Applicants with a French Baccalauréat:
apply through the parcours sup admission portalApplicants with a high school diploma awarded in a foreign country:
apply through the INSA Group admissions website
Tuition fees for foreign students joining the Global INSA
Total cost for the first year of study: €5,000
- enrolment in Year 1
- FLE summer school before beginning Year 1, lasting 80 hours (accommodation in a university hall of residence)
- educational assistance: small groups, support
- FLE classes in groups depending on level, throughout Year 1
- guidance with finding a placement
- guidance with administrative procedures
- introduction to French culture
For further information: