Graduation ceremony
It's an understatement to say that the Palais d'Auron was abuzz with activity on Saturday November 9 for the 11th INSA CVL graduation ceremony.
There were less than fifty empty seats left in a hall that could accommodate 1,500 people!
Of the 358 engineers, doctors and masters who graduated from the Institute this year, 297 made the trip, often accompanied by members of their families, whose enthusiasm and emotion were palpable.
Everyone involved in the ceremony lived up to expectations: first and foremost the student representatives, with the freshness and sincerity of their speeches, and then the INSA'RPEGE musicians, perfectly guided throughout the afternoon by our traditional conductor Vincent Maki, as well as during the Gala dinner.
A “10 years” cocktail party for staff and partners before the dinner was an opportunity for the local authorities present (Ville de Blois, Agglopolys, Ville de Bourges, Bourges Plus, Conseil Départemental du Cher and Conseil Régional CVL) to reiterate their attachment and support through speeches built around quotations symbolizing their link with INSA CVL. A preview of the Institute's new corporate video for future candidates was shown, and can now be viewed on the school's Youtube channel.
The Gala evening then moved up a notch, with the INSA cheerleaders dusting off the palace ceiling, before the dance floor took over to the rhythm of a lively musical program concocted by the students of the Gala association, whose professionalism “enchanted” all participants.
The number to remember: 2611. That's the number of diplomas awarded by INSA CVL since its creation: 2,254 engineering diplomas, 161 state landscape architect diplomas, 123 master's diplomas and 73 doctorate diplomas. Congratulations to all!