There is an array of social assistance schemes available to students at the INSA Centre Val de Loire which are all part of our commitment to supporting our students.
Solidarity and development fund
for student initiatives (FSDIE)
The FSDIE committee meets three times a year. The FSDIE is tasked with awarding exceptional financial aid to students as well as grants for INSA Centre Val de Loire student clubs & societies and for individual initiative projects.
Les Cordées de la réussite
The “Les Cordées de la réussite” network has been set up to help pupils to access higher education after their baccalauréat (high school diploma). It helps to remove hurdles – especially psychological and cultural ones which might get in the way of pupils progressing into higher education. What this initiative seeks to do is to change the preconceived ideas and perspective that young people have of these streams: guide pupils who have the motivation and skills towards pathways of excellence.
Vidéo de présentation des Cordées de la réussite en Loir-et-Cher (41) « Ensemble vers les sommets »