INSA Centre Val de Loire offers students a wide range of social assistance schemes, reflecting the institution’s desire to support its students.

Are you having difficulties?
INSA CVL supports you!
If you are experiencing financial, medical, social or educational difficulties, the guide below contains a wealth of useful information as well as contact details for people who can help:
The Student Solidarity and Initiative Development Fund (Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes - FSDIE) is a fund designed to support initiatives that contribute to improving student life by promoting the quality of student life and equal opportunities.
The FSDIE committee awards grants to associations and project leaders to support the life of the campus.
The FSDIE committee also grants social assistance to students at the Institute who are experiencing financial difficulties, either directly or in the form of an exemption from enrolment fees, once an application has been made and the case has been considered. This financial assistance is provided on a one-off basis.
The FSDIE committee meets 3 times a year, usually in October, March and June. Only the October committee considers applications for exemption from enrolment fees for the current academic year.
An e-mail is sent to all students approximately 3 weeks before the committee meeting (this period may be shortened in exceptional circumstances), with information on how to apply and the deadline for submitting applications.
The committee meeting is also announced on posters and in the INSA Centre Val de Loire newsletter.
The CVEC - Contribution à la Vie Étudiante et de Campus (Contribution to Student and Campus Life) has been in existence since 2018 and is collected by the CROUS. It concerns all students enrolled in initial training.
The CROUS finances student life projects with part of the credits collected and redistributes the other part of the credits to the institutions.
INSA Centre Val de Loire uses the CVEC credits for actions relating to: student integration, social support, health prevention, mental health support, development of sports and cultural activities, etc.
Funding is decided by the CVEC committee, on which more than 50% of students sit, based on calls for proposals from the Institute’s referents and student associations.
Student Life Project Manager at the Blois campus
Vincent MAKI
Student Life Project Manager at the Bourges campus
As part of the “Égalité des changes” (“Equal Opportunities”) programme, the Gaston Berger Centre and the INSA Centre Val de Loire Foundation are able to award around twenty scholarships to first-year students (the School of Nature and Landscape and the Engineering Science and Technology Department). These scholarships are awarded on the basis of 3 criteria:
- the student’s personal and social situation
- the diversity of their background (students from secondary schools in disadvantaged areas, from secondary schools in rural areas, or from unusual backgrounds)
- the student’s geographical origin (Centre-Val de Loire region)

The aim of the INSA Centre Val de Loire Foundation is to promote the diversity of students and their civic commitment to tomorrow’s social challenges, through a relationship of sharing with civil society and the region.
In order to achieve this objective, the INSA Foundation seeks to encourage cooperation and create synergies between all the partners in our ecosystem around 3 major project areas:
- Equal opportunities (solidarity, access to higher scientific education for all, support for the disabled, and mobility)
- Committed student programmes (entrepreneurship, arts, elite sports, and local internships)
- Innovation for the common good (partnerships with NGOs and research organisations, and digital and environmental transitions).
Students at INSA Centre Val de Loire can take advantage of several programmes, presented at the start of the academic year:
- the “double accommodation” scholarship for apprentices
- the “student entrepreneur” scholarship
- the “elite sports” scholarship
- social assistance
- support for student projects (examinations, associations, volunteering, digital, environment)