Innovation & entrepreneurship

For a number of years now, the Centre-Val de Loire INSA has been helping to instil an entrepreneurial frame of mind in our engineering students, for innovation begins with a particular frame of mind, a culture.


The Centre-Val de Loire INSA is shoring up its support policy for student entrepreneurship (ICE platforms, Entrepreneurial Training, Pôle PEPITE Centre, incubator, etc.), since a quarter of 18-24 year-olds and a third of 25-35 year-olds claim to be interested in starting up a business.

The actions undertaken at the Centre-Val de Loire INSA are in line with the national challenges of seeing young people starting up or taking over 20,000 businesses in the next four years. Entrepreneurship must also be a springboard to educational change in higher education by promoting risk-taking, teamwork, work-linked training, supervised placements, interdisciplinarity and more.