LI laboratory
Tours University Computer Science Laboratory
The Computer Science Laboratory (EA 6300) is a research laboratory affiliated to Tours François Rabelais University that is co-accredited with the INSA Centre Val de Loire. There are 46 permanent members of staff, 25 PhD students and 7 doctors or postdoctoral students.
Scientific focus areas
Tours University Computer Science Laboratory is focused on designing and developing models/methods/algorithms with a view to extracting information and learning from data.
The Laboratory is organised into three teams: Recognition of Forms and Image Analysis, Scheduling and Procedure, Databases and Natural Language Processing.
The Laboratory's activities are united around two main application fields:
- health and disability, with an array of partnerships with Tours Teaching Hospital and INSERM teams, on image analysis for aiding diagnosis, technical aids for physical disability and autism, on flow optimisation and visual medical data mining;
- mass data on the other hand, with the challenges involved with infrastructure for data storage and access, GRID/CLOUD computing, data extraction, analysis and structuring, exploitation, visualisation and HCIs.
INSA hosts four research professors from the Computer Science Laboratory:
- three members of the Recognition of Forms and Image Analysis team, whose research looks into image analysis and processing, and more particularly the use of variational methods,
- one member from the Scheduling and Procedure team, whose research focuses on the control of production systems.
Find out more…
On the web
- LI website :
Contact us
- Julien OLIVIER, INSA and LI senior lecturer
Tel: +33 (0)2 54 55 84 60