ICE-E platforms
ICE-E platforms were set up in 2012 to raise awareness, train and support students from these Grandes Écoles in Innovation, Business Startup and Export.
Innovation, business startup and export (ICE-E)
The INSA Centre Val de Loire has an ICE (Innovation and Business Startup) platform on each of its two campuses thanks to the support of the Centre Regional Council, local authorities and its partner companies.
These platforms have a twofold goal:
- Raise the awareness of engineering students about entrepreneurship in synergy with other member institutions of the “Centre-Val de Loire University” higher education and research cluster, and the world of business.
ICE provides guidance to students involved in educational projects and innovative technology and service company startup competitions.
- Further relations with companies by forging partnerships to encourage the transfer of technology, innovation and research by drawing on the skills of engineering students and research professors.
ICE offers an Industrial Assignment so that entrepreneurs can benefit from the expertise of both campuses in terms of mechanical and electronic engineering, Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment (QHSE), industrial risk control and cybersecurity, etc. The company assigns tasks to a team made up of one or more trainees plus a teacher in the role of project leader. Innovative Industrial Assignments can receive partial funding from accredited organisations.
Bourges campus
- Julien OLIVIER
Chargé de mission Innovation, Création d’Entreprises et Entrepreneuriat (pédagogie)
Tel: +33 (0)2 48 48 40 49
Blois campus
- Alexandre PENNEROUX
Chargé de mission Innovation, Croissance et Exportation en Entreprises (prestations)
Tel: -33 (0)2 54 55 86 79