
9th edition of “Nuit de l’Info”

INSA Centre Val de Loire’s 4th participation

What’s it all about?
“Nuit de l'Info” brings together students from all over France for a grand competition combining information technology, communication, marketing, modelling, pizzas, coffee, and so on…
“Nuit de l’Info” is a national competition involving students, teachers and companies, working together on development of web applications.
Participants have one full night to put forward, implement and package a Web 2.0 app to do with the national theme, which is revealed at the start of the competition.
During the course of the night, partners set challenges to participating teams (e.g. most ergonomic web interface, best system architecture, best collaboration, etc.) and award prizes to the most successful teams.

When is it?
The Night is held every year on the first Thursday in December (3/12/2015), from sunset (4:40 p.m.) to sunrise (8:02 a.m.) the following morning.

Where is it held?
The event takes place wherever each participant is working – i.e. at the various sites, universities, schools etc. concerned. Some of them may be viewable live throughout the night via social networks or webcam.

Download the presentation file

Download the report on the 2015 edition!

Results with the many prizes awarded!